Opening of KFC restaurant chain in Vladivostok


We organized the turnkey opening of KFC restaurant chain.

On April 20, the long-awaited opening of the largest international KFC restaurant chain took place at the Sedanka City shopping center. Several themed zones were presented at the festival: soft collapsible “Sandwich”, stylized “Refueling”, large 3D letters “I <3 KFC” and giant “Basket”. In addition, there was children’s zone working at the event, where young visitors could play with Jack Sparrow and Rapunzel or build a giant KFC jenga. The illusionist Sergei Selyanin entertained the guests with the spectacular arrival of Colonel Sanders, who treated everyone to a large and tasty cake. Part of the program was a dance flash mob from Forma modern dance studio. During the event, charming costumed characters Glass, Twister and Sandwich were walking around the Sedanka City, inviting visitors of the shopping center to join the event, and brightly decorated branded buses were driving around the city, bringing those who wanted to the event.




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